Monday, 6 February 2012

Family Lunch

After a fantastic morning sledging at Wimbledon Common we dashed home, put on our glad rags and went out for a family lunch, last chance to catch up before sean & fleur go back to NZ, mum turns 40 and the babies come. We went to a fabulous Italian restaurant which ticked ALL the boxes Cantinetta

 Liam and Nora discussing the weather

 Group photo!

 Liam took quite a liking to our waitress Martina and snatched this moment to get her photo, he got her phone number and email address as well, Uncle Sean was very impressed!!!

Snow 2012

We were up very early on Sunday morning to make the most of the snowfall over night, after a week of sub zero temperatures the snow was a welcome sight and it was actually a little warmer as well.

We headed to the hill at Wimbledon Common to get some early morning sledging in, our house guests Sean and Fleur weren't used to such an early start but they were up for the sledging

 Liam was so excited when he saw what was going on, he was really up for being let loose on a sled down the hill

 Daddy & Zara booting it down the hill
 Zara, Flicky & Liam on their way
 Uncle Sean with Tilly & Katey
 Fleur with Tilly & Katey

 What goes down must come up.....

 Daddy with a sledge full, you go much faster the heavier you are

When toes started to get cold we had to find our way back to the car
Fun times in the snow, everyone was exhausted but very happy :-)