Saturday, 24 March 2012

Mila Rose Bradley

Mummy at 40 weeks pregnant, one final photo before our little sister arrives.

Our very own McDreamy, all scrubbed up and ready to go!

And finally, Wednesday 14th March at 17:56 our little sister Mila Rose joins us, weighing in at a beautiful 8lb

Her first morning at home and there were 6 in the bed....

How quickly the first week flew, Mila Rose one week old

Everyone hands on..... helping out where we can

Monday, 5 March 2012

School Disco

We had a great night out last Friday at our annual school disco.  This is me and my good friends Lauren and Orla, boogying down to "Baby you're a fireworks"

And this is Zara and her friend Sacha and they are dancing to Zara's favourite from One Direction "What Makes you Beautiful"